ULSee Inc. brings its best-in-class Face Tracker technology to Unity with this cross-platform plugin package consisting of the following assets for project import:
• Materials (incl. shaders and textures)
• Library files for – Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), macOS, iOS and Android
• Two face mask demo files (to demonstrate face-tracking and face-masking capabilities with 2D and 3D objects)
• API Scripts for – Placement of 2D/3D objects on face in live video and photo images, Frames per Second (FPS) Counter and Face Tracker-based app implementations for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), macOS, iOS and Android OS platforms
Use of this plugin for development of commercial applications is allowed, provided that developer credit is given to ULSee Inc. for applications developed utilizing part or all of this plugin Minimum System Requirements :
a)Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit) or Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit) is recommended with i5 or i7 Processor
b)Macintosh OSX 10.11 or better is recommended with i5 or i7 Processor
c)iOS - iOS 9.0 and above (recommended)
d)Android - Quad-core Krait CPUs or better with Android 4.1 or higher (API Level 16 or higher) (recommended)
e)8GB DDR3 RAM (for Windows and macOS) and 2GB (for iOS and Android)
f)Java SE Development Kit 8u161 or higher for best compatibility with Unity Editor
g)For Android ARM64 builds, Android NDK version r13b (required by Unity Editor 2017.x), Android NDK version r16b (required by Unity Editor 2018.x LTS) and Android NDK version r19 (required by Unity Editor 2019.x) to use IL2CPP as Scripting Backend
h)Unity Editor versions 2017.4.40 LTS and above
Note: LTS versions are the most-stable and therefore recommended versions for production releases, therefore it is recommended to download the latest LTS version available here https://unity3d.com/unity/qa/lts-releases before proceeding with development and testing.
Please Read:
i) SDK User Manual is included within asset package in Readme folder
ii) For 66 face tracking points, contact sales@ulsee.com
iii) This plugin provides support for face-tracking and adding of 2D/3D objects on one face in live video and photo camera images
iv) For mobile devices, the plugin uses the face detection provided with hardware on-device
v) Forehead and ear points are not available
vi) Face Tracker is calibrated for camera position on top of device screen
vii) Rotation angles of camera cannot be obtained on the Windows OS platform. To use camera in a vertical position, developers must adjust the rotation of camera preview texture in CameraDispatch.cs.
viii) FaceMask and Object3D demos update mesh vertices with tracking points. The mesh can be replaced if tracking points are mapped to mesh vertices. Developers must update or calculate extra vertices.
ix) From FaceMask.cs and Object3D scripts, developers can obtain UV coordinates from _mesh.uv. Developers may check the
Unity manual for more information
x) Windows/macOS PC apps should synchronize camera feed and tracker output in the same frame
xi) Hardware specifications would depend on how many objects the application must compute and draw
xii) The Face Tracker's performance depends on image size and CPU power
xiii) Use of OpenGLES3 API is not supported, but support for OpenGLES2 API, Auto Graphics API and Metal API is provided
xiv) The 2D and 3D objects provided in the Unity plugin are examples for references to understand what types of objects are supported for applying on the faces for AR effects. The textures we have used are in PNG format.
xv) There is no real 3D model in the source code for 3D mapping. The model at the source is a 2D surface mesh, which is applied on the face based on the face shape and 3D face tracking points’ estimation from 2D face tracking points. The face mesh stretches out to fit the face regions covered by the face tracking points.
xvi) Minimum size of static images (photos) is 512 x 512 with horizontal and vertical resolution value of 72 dpi
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